Source code and dependencies

Code repository

All codes, Codes for NN and nodes
NN Code File, NN code
Mask Detector, Mask detector
Face Bounding Box, Bounding box
Velocity Publisher, velocity publisher


  • Programming Language: Python 3.8.10

  • Libraries:

    • Numpy: 1.23.5
    • Scipy: 1.10.1
    • Matplotlib: 3.1.2
    • rclpy: 1.9.3
    • tensorflow: 2.12.0
    • ros2: galactic
    • MTCNN: 0.1.1
    • cv2 Bridge: 3.1.3


pip install numpy==1.23.5
pip install scipy==1.10.1
pip install matplotlib==3.1.2
pip install rclpy==1.9.3
pip install tensorflow==2.12.0
pip install MTCNN==0.1.1
pip install opencv-python-headless==


Dataset and model, Complete Folder

Size of the Dataset- 69 Mb Dataset, Dataset

Although you can get model after running the code on provided dataset, we are providing just for reference. Model, Model