
About me

I'm pursuing Masters in Robotics and Autonomus Systems at Arizona State University.My current coursework is interdiscplinary. I completed my bachelors in Mechanical Engineering from National Institute of Technology Jalandhar, India.I have 2 years full-time experience as Research and Development Engineer at Suzuki India Ltd.I have internship experience as Automation Engineer at Robic Rufarm. Currently I'm looking for Internship opportunities and Full time opportunities.

  • Robotics
    ROS, gazebo, SLAM
  • Coursework
    Machine Learning, Deep Learning, CNN
    Computer Vision, Motion Planning, Vehicle Dynamics
    IC Engines, Design of Machines, Controls and Modelling
  • Languages
    Python, C++
  • Framework
    Tensorflow, Pytorch, Keras
  • Mechanical
    CATIA V5, UGNX, Solidworks, MATLAB
    INCA, PUMA, AVL Concerto
  • Research Volunteer - Apr 2023 to Current
    Arizona State University
  • • Implemented Probability edge detection algorithm from scratch resulting better than canny and Sobel detectors.
    • Detected corners using Harris corners and stitched images and created panorama of image using homography and perspective transform.
    • Used Neural Radiance fields (NeRF) to synthesize novel views by optimizing a continuous volumetric scene function using a sparse set.
    • Reconstructed 3D scene using Sfm(Structure from motion) with different viewpoints using state of art classical approach.
    • Developed pipeline of ResNet and VGGNet for image processing and trained on large image data.
  • Suzuki India Ltd - July 2020 to July 2022
    Research and Development Engineer (Assistant Manager)
  • • • Prepared Design Validation, Product Validation and DFMEA reports for troubleshooting meetings and reverse engineering
    • • Performed accelerated aging testing on hardware components of engine and evaluated life cycle of products.
    • Performed Measured Data Analysis for debugging and automating new test algorithms in ECU and test frame via CAN and ETK.
    • Designed Jigs, fixtures, and spare parts in UGNX for the testing purpose and optimized equipment for better insulated testing.
    • Data Acquisition and root cause analysis by investigating test data in AVL PUMA, Concerto.
    • Validation of Components through a set of endurance, function, friction test cycles execution by identifying hardware critical parts.
    • Identified anomaly case in testing by implementing machine learning techniques after collection of imbalanced data of 5% minority
    • Developed real time test data graph generation of Measured data and curve fitting using recursive least squares.
  • Robic Rufarm PVT Ltd- June 2019 to July 2019
    Design & Automation Intern
  • • Automated a length measuring machine by integration of pulleys, motors, VFD and rotary encoders.
    • Measured length by rotary encoders and calibrated to Arduino code to deliver tested products with budget cut by 40% for customer needs by benchmarking market specifications. Experience of working in small team(startup).
  • Masters in Robotics at ASU : Aug 2022 - Current
    CGPA 4.0/4.0
  • Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering at NIT Jalandhar :
    2016 - 2020

    CGPA 7.52/10

My Work

Face Mask Detection

Point cloud NERF

Swarm Robot Navigation



Parrot Mambo Drone Path follower

Image Stitching

Planar Drone

Multi Resolution Face Blending

My Projects

Face Mask Detection

• Real time Face Mask Detection using OAK-D camera feed of turtlebot4 by deploying Neural Networks.
• Made our own Neural Network for the feature generation by taking training data of images from OAK-D camera
• Deployed model to ROS node which does face mask recognition in real time by subscribing to real time data current_frame.

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Point Cloud NERF

• Implemented a pipeline outperforming NeRF using point cloud based NeRF by including depth loss function.
• Implementation of ICP point cloud registration, pruning techniques and developing neural point clouds.
• Improved density of point cloud using Recurrent Neural Networks.

Point Cloud and Individual views of clouds
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Swarm Robot Navigation

• Developed swarm robot navigation technique for surveillance using utility maps and correlation density mapping.
• Developed A-star and dijkstra algorithms for path shortest path generation from maze start to end and weighted branches.
• Developed trade-off between cost and time, negotiated dynamic obstacles by shape navigation and Artificial potential fields.

Vector fields around the obstacle
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Shape Navigation function
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Statistical Machine Learning

• Built Machine learning algorithms such as Linear regression, Logistic regression, K Means, Naive Bayes, Gaussian Distribution, Perceptron, SVM, decision trees, Adaboost, Gradient Boost, XG Boost, random forest, and Neural Networks from scratch.
• Applied Lasso, sparse, Coordinate descent, Gradient descent, and Stochastic gradient descent from with different algorithm from base.
• Induced Boosting technique for imbalanced dataset of Wi-Fi dataset, defected glass datasets for better F1-score of 0.85.
• Compared F1 score, Accuracy, G means of Adaboost, Gradient Boosting and logistic regression performance on the datasets.
• Implemented all ML algorithms on MNIST and CIFAR 10 dataset using the statistical approach without using Canny algorithms.

Bias and Variance Classification and the Training and Testing error w.r.t iterations.
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Gradient Descent with cost function and error.
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Stochoistic Gradient Descent with cost function and error with batch size of 1.
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Stochoistic Gradient Descent with cost function and error with batch size of 100.
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Regualrization and K Means
Regualrization of weights and K means for the number Classification.
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LASSO implementation and count of number of zeroes for sparse configuration.
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RBF and Poly functions
RBF and Poly Kernel which are combined functions of the radial individual functions.
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Bootstraping and K means for RBF and Poly functions
RRBF and Poly kernel implementation with K fold and Bootstraping to increase number of samples.
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Turtlebot4 Applications

• Experimented with computer vision techniques by creating dataset using stereo camera of turtlebot.
• Collected IMU data and implemented Kalman filter and FIR filter for the velocity and acceleration prediction.
• Implemented line follower using the computer vision thresholding, mapped surrounding environment using bot.

Student Prediction Kaggle project:(Dataset of 60000 samples with 31 features)

• Performed feature engineering and generated heat maps to find the best features to develop algorithm.
• Implemented XG Boost, SVM, Neural Networks and Logistic regression to find the best F1 score of 0.71 on testing dataset.
• Compared performance time and F1 score for the dataset and implemented hyper parameter tuning along with K means.


Edge detection and panorama

• Implemented Probability edge detection algorithm from scratch resulting better than canny and Sobel detectors.
• Implemented Deep learning techniques along with Adam Algorithm for the better accuracy over the training dataset.
• Detected corners using Harris corners and stitched images and created panorama of image using the concept of disparity.
• Performed the tasks using the classical state of art and deep learning as well.

Robot Navigation

• Developed code for Robotic Arm navigation avoiding static obstacles using Inverse kinematics solutions and iterative loops.
• Reviewed navigation of soft robotics by exploiting the contact with the environment by lumped mechanism.
• Developed Algorithm for the optimization of waypoints for the better path exploiting obstacles than nominal path.

Automation of Length Measuring Machine

• Automated a length measuring machine by integration of pulleys, motors, gear train, VFD and rotary encoders.
• Designed product in CATIA and fabricated prototype for testing with actual edge band tape product.
• Measured length by rotary encoders and calibrated to Arduino to deliver tested prototype with budget cut by 40% for customer needs by benchmarking market product specifications for small scale industries.


• Managed to develop timer by LDR and Laser setup for calculation of vehicle acceleration with the Arduino RS 232.
• Simulated CVT in MATLAB for optimal acceleration by reducing lag of 0.5 sec and validated specifications of CVT for different terrains.
• Implemented MATLAB code and technically validated flyweights and variables of CVT for different terrain by physical testing.
• Designed and fabricated a gearbox, CVT, driveline of ATV using FEA analysis (Ansys) and decreased rotational weight by 20%.
• Fabrication, assembly, and disassembly of powertrain components of ATV for 3 years and cut down collaborative service time by 30%.

Design elements


• Performance evaluation of PV module integrated with PCM filled container with external fins for extremely hot climates.
• Worked as Research Assistant and completed project which got published in Elsevier, ‘Journal of Energy Storage’.
• Attached PCM along with fins on rear to a PV panel to mitigate the drop in power output by 6.59%.
• Automated wiper system on PV panel for growth of efficacy by 10% using Arduino and case study of dust accumulation.

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